Knee Surgery Survival

Knee Surgery Survival Knowledge

From a Three Time Knee Surgery Survivor

Learn what I did as a three-time knee surgery survivor of ACL, MCL, Meniscus surgeries, and how I handled preparation and recovery.

  • My emotions, pain and recovery explained.
  • Simple exercises I performed to prepare.
  • Products and things that helped me.
  • How I set up bedding to minimize movement.
  • Food, drinks and vitamins for my recovery.
  • Important stretching and exercises I did watching TV.
  • Knee braces and stabilizing my knee.
  • How I got off the opioids quickly.

If you do the things your surgeon and physical therapist tell you, you should receive some of the benefits. This is true.

Does your surgeon give you all of the small details, or do they mainly stick to the most important details? This book helps fill in the gaps of the little details in between the big ones. A lot of little details add up to being an important part of your recovery.

Third Time is the Charm

Think how much learning curve there is in doing anything for the first time.

The first time you go camping for a weekend you don’t know exactly what to bring. The second you go camping you fix the things that caused you pain for forgetting them the first time. Like cleaning up the ground before you pitch the tent, so you are not sleeping on acorns, or you bring a thin mat to put under your sleeping bag. By the third time you go you remember things that caused you pain on the first two times camping. Now you are building a list of items from bug spray, to warmer clothes, to a first aid kit.

There is just too much to know to do everything right the first time.

Ask most parents about what they learned from the first baby, and more they learned on the second baby, and after the third baby they could write a book of all the knowledge they gained from the three babies.

Don't let people tell you something is not possible.

You need to focus on your mission to bring back your knee to health. People, including doctors have seen so much negativity they begin to believe it. You can believe the glass is half empty or half full. That is your choice. Don’t let people change your beliefs and dreams, so just change the conversation to something different to avoid confrontation. Just because they took a long time to recover doesn’t mean you will. Everyone finishes a race at their own pace, but those who prepared by exercising, training, stretching, and had proper supplements and nutrition have a huge advantage.

Be prepared to win just like you are training for a race.